Friday, along Ayala. Some people preferred to be at the sidelines.
Office types stood and watched. Marchers congregate.
Office types and families stood at the sidelines. Another view.
Another view. Red Cross volunteers at a first aid station
Saturday: as preparations took place, LSGH held its Junior Prom at the gym.
Jun Lozada prepares for the grueling “Harapan” interview (see in on YouTube).
Lozada hooked up for sound; begins his 3-hour confrontation.
Sunday, 7 a.m. Nuns arrive; ushers double-checking plans
Ushers prepare to go to their stations; Nuns survey the gym
Early birds at the gym; venue begins to fill up
mainstream and new media: Mike Enriquez and Dean Jorge Bocobo (see his slideshow of the event!)
Bleachers fill up; participants, old and young
Thomasians in school colors; gym fills up
Scenes from a gym
Mass begins
views of the gym
views of the gym
views of the gym
views of the gym
Fr. Francisco’s homily; with gym and canteen full, people spill over to football field
Field spillover
canteen spillover; singing “Bayan Ko”
Young and old singing “Bayan Ko”
Bleachers singing “Bayan Ko”
Clergy (including Dominicans) and laity singing “Bayan Ko”
As people emerge…
Crowd in the field salutes those who were in the gym and canteen.
The Senate hearings continue, today. See’s running account of the hearings.
Besides the the best that the administration being able to manage to do, was to crowd a restaurant with officials (and issue panicky warnings), the most interesting thing to me about Friday’s rally and Sunday Mass, was what took place in the sidelines. Friday’s rally was a morale booster for the Left and the UNO, but it also involved workers from Makati offices who dashed down to watch and clap during their breaks and families from what formerly used to be the President’s constituencies, who simply showed up to make the point that henceforth, they intend to be interested and engaged in what’s going on.
These small clusters of people on the sidelines -I am not alone in observing this interesting phenomenon last Friday, see a published e-mail from Fr. Eliseo Mercado– and its flowering on Sunday cared less about what was being said during the rally, and more about simply making a stand in a small way. Some hadn’t shown up at any rallies since 1986; others, since Edsa Dos. Mon Casiple calls it The epiphany of the Middle Class. In the entry, he zeroes in on the significance of this reawakening:
The dramatic street play may or may not come to pass but all political actors are now constrained by the middle class’ political stand.
What does Casiple mean? Observe how some of the Middle Class who went to Makati ended up disillussioned, as Jessica Zafra recounts (see also Patricia Evangelista’s column, Liars); no such worries or fallout from the Sunday Mass, which means this will become the antidote to street-type rallies, since they are more hakot-proof (what is the definition of hakot? Bringing people who neither understand nor care what an issue is about, to a gathering, simply to give the impression of popular participation; this is different from a committed group mobilizing its supporters who share the common cause).
With regards to this, a conversation I had with a professor from UP illustrates what the constraint on the various political groups will be. He came up to me and told me he hadn’t been in any political gathering since Edsa Dos. But he’d gone to the Mass because “it’s just too much, already.” But he said his own preference was for a real, genuine, impeachment in October, in which he saw little rational prospects for the President to be acquitted. And thereafter? “I think it’s clear that Noli could not possibly be worse than what we have now.” But if so? “People will be much more determined not to cut him or anyone that follows any slack.”
Another interesting thing is that sectors formerly deeply divided are gingerly coming closer to healing those divides. The President is a master of fostering divisions but seems weakened in maintaining them.
For example, while UST, which has great sentimental ties to the Macapagals has been largely silent since 2005, on Sunday groups of Thomasians showed up in their school colors and Dominican priests concelebrated the Mass; and while the Assumption Convent continues to express solid support for the President, the people at the Mass let out a gasp when a delegation of Assumption nuns participated in the Mass (not to mention the students, like Assumptionista i am obsess, who defied her school’s ban on student participation in rallies!). A student from La Salle Bacolod (a city where 2,000 had gathered for a mass last Friday) texted me this, a short while ago:
Hi po. Magandang hapon. We the polsci students believe in Lozada.
Last Saturday, the Inquirer editorial summed the attitude of such people: “Bring it on”! And on Sunday, the Inquirer editorial (which cites the President’s Friday speech and a Financial Times story) pointed out why the President speaks with a Forked tongue.
Meanwhile, Ricky Carandang says we live in a “Bizarro World.” Indeed, I believe, as my column for today puts it, that This too shall pass. There is the question of the Catholic hierarchy and even clergy’s involvement in the whole issue. See Randy David’s Saturday column, Should bishops lead political actions? Though I must say Fr. Francisco’s homily served as a reminder of the powerful and beneficial role an engaged clergy can play in clarifying things for society, politically.
At the end of my column, I tried to underline a point raised by Mahar Mangahas in his column, Social volcanology. This is the point Mangahas made:
I disagree with those who think that Filipinos have turned numb and no longer feel much social outrage. I sense that much outrage is underground, and can pack as much energy as a volcano…
Both EDSA I and II were brought closer to the surface by mass protest rallies, in 1984-86 and in 2000-01, but they were ultimately triggered by unexpected, highly publicized, events: the Fidel Ramos-Juan Ponce Enrile breakaway in February 1986, and the non-opening of the “second envelope” of evidence in the Joseph Estrada impeachment trial in January 2001. The former was brought to public attention by radio, while the latter was seen live on television by four out of every five Metro Manilans. (In the final stage of the trial, most Filipinos, including those who considered Estrada guilty, said they would respect a Senate decision not to remove him from office. Thus the overkill of the “second envelope” led to Estrada’s downfall.)Of course, the timing of triggering events is unpredictable.
The ability of these events to stimulate mass action is partly due to the public certainty that they were not stage-managed. People Power and volcanic eruptions are equally unpredictable.
The title of today’s entry is taken from Shakespeare, from Henry V (watch the scene in YouTube; had to link as embedding video kept screwing up the layout of this page; or you can read about it in Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more).
Another apt title could be lifted from The simmering pot, in Mon Casiple’s blog. He says a new factor has entered the equation:
The difference today from similar occurrences in 2005 (Garci tapes) and 2006 (state of emergency) is the emerging broad consensus to end the GMA term sooner than 2010. Previous differences among the broad opposition are dissolving in recognition of the widespread unpopularity of the Arroyos and the activism of the middle class. The engine of disenchantment is fueled by middle class discontent (such as over the massive corruption, the rapid weakening of dollar vis-a-vis peso, scarcity in the local job market, GMA Marcosian tactics, and the specter of 2010 elections cancellation and continuing Arroyo rule). Two recent events — the JDV ouster and the Lozada abduction — are being seen by the middle class as indicative of the ruthlessness of the president’s team in their drive to maintain the power. It has led to their defending Lozada and to their manning the frontlines of the movement against GMA.
The great unknown, he says, is not if, but when, the pot boils over:
Is it the tipping point? I don’t think so — yet. However, this particular pot simmers, and if it continues to simmer, will ultimately boil over. The rallies, the masses, the statements, and open positions — all these are but prelude to a great political act by the middle class.
All the ingredients for people power are already in place and there is the momentum. Having said this, they are not yet ripe and are still undergoing the process of maturation. How long this process lasts depends on more events that logically should happen.
My browsers have been groaning under the weight of bookmarks and so I thought I’d present a sampling of different bloggers’ views on what’s going on. Marvelous, indeed, is Scriptorium, who compares 1986 to 2008, and the lessons learned (or ignored) since then:
What is it with the Comelec (komisyon on elections) and its leaders, we ask? We should have learned from 1986, I think, that the structural checks to Presidential power like Congressional impeachment and Comelec supervision don’t work unless they’re backed by institutional tradition as with the Senate and the Supreme Court, or by ideological focus in the case of the Church and the Communist Party. Without a tradition or ideology of independence, officials’ conduct lapses into a pure pragmatism founded on financial interest, which makes the Comelec and the Congress pliable to Executive manipulation.
…This makes us ask: Where are the heroes today who will oppose law with justice, might with right? They are still here, I believe, with different faces and names, the women and men who will defy a dictatorship in the name of truth. Ed Panlilio, beleaguered by cash-armed opponents using the oh-so-honest Comelec to get their hands on Pampanga’s cookie jar; the Hyatt 10, the Kapatiran leaders, and numerous others who left their government posts (in Atty. Harry Roque’s case, an ultra-plum PCSO directorship) to protest the fraud perpetrated the Arroyo Autocracy. Some, like De Venecia and Jun Lozada, are johnnies-come-lately who defected through force of circumstance; but, as the lives of Boethius and St. Alphonsus Liguori demonstrate, even those with initially imperfect motives may become heroes at the time of testing.
A general roundup can be found in Global Voices Online. A big deal? A Simple Life thinks not: and wishes it would all go away.
On a vaguely related note, see the amusing take on the scandal-as-drama courtesy of paolomendoza.
On a precisely related note, with all the large numbers being mentioned, DAKILA breaks them down. Read the relevant numbers and weep.
It’s interesting how people have been following the Senate hearings. See My Life and Inspirations (Feb. 8), Take it Easy, Smile (Feb. 11) who feels overhwelmed, and Sabistski Point (Feb. 12),while [slap happy] .an OFW (Feb 10) says the whole thing is fascinating and urges people to follow the hearings and make up their own minds. AKOMISMO Vol. II is using the whole thing as a teaching aid. the in’s and out’s of the twisted mind of the nomadic asian polar bear says it may sow the seeds for change (Spendor of Creation on Feb. 7, called it the need for “positive politics”). Law and ICT reflects on government projects in general. As does Lofty Quest.
There is, first of all, the question of Jun Lozada (who originally irritated My Croak). You can’t beat the extended Star Wars-based analysis (see Sylvia Mayuga, too) by big mango:
What was Yoda to do if he won his contest against Palpatine? Palpatine and his Sith Order had adapted. Yoda knew at that moment that Palpatine’s Sith Order had turned war into a weapon and that the Jedi still fought the Sith Order as if they were an army to be destroyed. It was why the Jedi failed. People didn’t want the Jedi. They wanted the Sith Order to rule. They wanted “peace, order, security.”
Yoda could have “won” that contest against Palpatine and in the processes would have become the very thing he fought against. He would have had to become Emperor himself and the turn the Republic into a Jedi Empire. How would that theocracy be better than a Sith one? Theocracy, Yoda knew was not the way.
People who wanted change had to fight for what they believed in and the Jedi should not be above them— but along side of them. In many ways those who want change and I count myself amongst that rank, we need to reinvent the way we strive for change. Reinvent how to fight war, just as the Jedi did. The romantic notion of street protests alone as a path to change is no longer enough. What must accompany it is a groundswell of effort.
A lot of people are asking why Congressmen who side with Arroyo still hold their jobs. The short answer is because good men and women don’t rise up to challenge them.
In Star Wars lore, the Sith people went extinct. not just because of constant war, but because the Dark Lords had interbred with the Sith. As our country is constantly led by people who value treachery, greed and lust for power, so too will most people adapt to those concepts as being the norm.
Also, people have taken to discussing Lozada in terms of his writing. There was his piece on Neri’s attitudes, (incidentally, Atty-at-Work quotes a comment appended to the piece, concerning one effect of the OFW phenomenon: detaching people from engagement in the political system) nd there is another piece, which people have taken to titling Mindsets of Inaction (I first saw the piece in village idiot savant; the piece has been endorsed by Lozada’s own nephew, so I take it as an endorsement of its being genuine), as discussed by former priest Ed dela Torre in his blog entry, A Peek into Jun Lozada’s Mind. A previous entry by dela Torre, Reinterpreting Rizal’s Ideas in 2008 is equally interesting, in which he probes Lozada’s keen interest in Rizal.
A radical offering up a glimpse into another’s radical thoughts, is, I think, something that requires reflection. The radical is dismissive of the limits imposed by the status quo, viewing those limits with neither affection nor veneration. This explains why a radical can be deeply embedded in the system, claiming to hold on to idealistic notions while being part of the system’s sins of omission and commission. This is why Lozada can preach love of country today, yet been found to be implicated in the wrongdoings of officials.
Lefthandledlayup (Feb. 11) says Lozada has no real friends. doesn’t think Lozada is hero, but he has the chance for redemption. suggests this, too.
Lester Cavestany identifies three crucial questions:
1) How come there are people who are not disturbed by Lozada’s testimony in the ongoing Senate hearing about the ZTE-NBN scandal?2) Why were there so many high-profile people who tried to stop Lozada from testifying in the Senate?3) Where do we go from here?
Strangely enough, I found my answers in studies made on battered women.
Those who express support for him (and the reasons why) ranges from a government worker, Irish’s Site (Feb. 8) to coffeeLover::::brattygurL (Feb. 11) to i like taho for breakfast (Feb. 12) to a slice of wine.. and a shot of cake.. to a Thomasian, Planet Earl ; for a post-mortem on Lozada’s Saturday evening grilling, see smoke (royally pissed off), live.laugh.sparkle (who felt the opposite way) to Leslie’s Crazy World!!! who heard about it from her mother, and (apropos to those who think Lozada has a point, but bring it to court, like Ang Pagbabagong Buhay) see Uniffors:
To Golez, who said let the courts decide, Lozada said we have a legal system but we have no justice system.
While those who continue to harbor doubts, ranges from Iniibig ko ang Pilipinas! (Feb. 8) to smoke (Feb. 13; yes two citings in this entry: she’s been on a roll); (among columnists those swinging from caution, to initial support, then swinging back to hostility because their close friends are affected includes Solita Monsod; on the other hand, columnists like John Nery say: be conscious of the nuances).
And there are those who express outright skepticism or hostility, from Beauty in the Breakdown to and Phoenix Eyrie, Reloaded (February 9).
A foreigner’s point of view: Torn & Frayed (Feb. 10):
I can’t see all this going anywhere. The Senate can expose the administration’s failings as much as it likes but an impeachment motion has to begin in the House and last Monday’s ousting of the Speaker by the pro-Malacañang block indicates that the president’s control over that body is stronger than ever. Lozada’s explosive testimony reminds me of Perfecto Yasay’s during the BW scandal all those years ago: explosive, but too far from the real center of power to prove fatal. Only when Gloria meets her Chavit — when someone in the inner circle finally turns the screw — will we see a “For rent” sign outside the palace.
There, too, is the decline and fall of Joker Arroyo: (though there are exceptions: Brown Monkey Theory said Joker made sense, too) particularly his fall in reputation as expressed by young people like memento and miss_choi, and lawyer marichu lambino, also, achacs den while faculty like USLS CAS Faculty Issues and Advocacies pointed out,
Joker Arroyo unwittingly hit on the truth when he asked Jun Lozada to explain why he didn’t go to London, as indicated in his travel request form, when he was already in Hong Kong. When Jun Lozada tried to explain that he never really intended to go to London (he didn’t even have a visa) and that his bosses knew about this Joker almost shouted and said “What your telling us that all these government officials are in conspiracy with you!” Hello Senator Arroyo, are you there sir?” Senator Arroyo, who used to be my idol, is certainly losing it. He must have been the only one in that room who didn’t know that yes, all of them from Litong Lito and Defensor, to Atty. Bautista (barred from teaching in UP and Ateneo for some kind of a misdemeanour involving a female student kuno), to Razon and Defensor, all of them were in a conspiracy to keep the truth about the NBN-ZTE deal from the Filipino people.
Snippets contrasts Lozada, on the other hand, with Miriam Defensor Santiago (see also Insert Foot in Mouth!). A contrasting view from Mad Musings of a Matabang Mama from Muntinlupa. Then again, Thirtysomething v.4.3 was unimpressed by Mad Miriam. 3sa doesn’t like the senators, period.
As for the question of Friday’s rally (lots of nifty pictures, by the way: see i will be a hot dancer, and Shooting for God’s Glory, Reggie… or NOT!, Nina’s Life Chronicled, as well as Wish You Were Here, and Oh Mickey you’re so fine you’re so fine…,) in Philippines Without Borders he was surprised to hear, on Thursday, that middle class office types intended to go.There’s this account by The Warrior’s World, who participated, having last taken part in a rally in the 1980s:
Today, I decided to make a stand and be counted. Even for a short while, I joined the crowd at the corner of Ayala and Paseo. Though i miss the fervor, the hysteria and the intensity of rallies in the 80s, i am glad i was there. kakaiba naman kasi talaga noon…
The wind of change is blowing… i was surprised to see that the crowd earlier where not your usual rallyista. there were expats, yuppies, makati executives. They were there, mingling with the masa.
The numbers may not be that huge, but at least i saw for myself there was something different.
There are those who expressed support, and were fairly pleased with the results. See and Half-swing (who likes the fact the politicians took the hint and didn’t make themselves the center of attention). Only God Can Judge Me comes out swinging at the rally’s critics.
And those who express opposition to the idea of rallies: see some are students, see wonderstricken: waking up creativity and A million girls would kill for my waistline.
As well as outright indifference: see LittleMisssPerplexed and Or who believe there are valid points raised by rallies but who, like Musings of a Media Strategist turned Retirement Strategist, who simply feels unworthy to be there. Steadiness… hates rallies because he thinks you should simply shoot all the crooks. Celebrating Life’s Journeys didn’t like the rally but offered up a prayer for Lozada.
Concerning Sunday’s mass,prior to it, Philippine Commentary has a bitch fight with Manoling Morato; leading up to it while ...strawberry-filled donuts… (Lozada’s nephew) was depressed, then cheered up; there are eyewitness accounts from SamutSari and Torn & Frayed (who also takes stock of the President’s situation), as well as Blood Sky, who said it best:
Day after day after day of hearing nothing but bad news, of hearing nothing but lies and cover-ups, of divisions, of graft and corruption, of killings and robberies, in this one morning, I saw and felt, unity. Under the roof of that gym, I saw and felt people of various walks of life from various sectors of society, just throw away the lines that clearly divide each of them, and come together to support a good man, a man who had the courage to just stand up to all of the farce, to all the deception and the coercion and just speak out the truth.
That kind of intense feeling burns deep in you when you experience it first hand. Even more when you see that everybody around you responds to it, accepts it and allows it to make them free. That’s how I felt the entire time, and even more so, near the tail end of the celebration, when they played “Bayan Ko”, and I saw the entire gym, myself included, raise our right fists up the air, as we sang that song, all the while feeling a chill down my spine as I heard every single one in the gym (well maybe not the younger generation who did not reach or have the opportunity to appreciate the song) sing with their hearts, sing with all passion.
I have seen many calls for change in this country. I too have taken let that call flow out of my mind, heart and mouth before. I wrote before that it does require a revolution to start change in this country. But it is not the revolution that a lot may mistake it to be. The Philippine society, not just the government and our leaders, but all of us, from the bottom all the way up, need to do a major examination of ourselves, and undertake the painful task of removing/changing all the deeply entrenched nuances and behaviors that we possess that cause our nation to deteriorate. These problems go way beyond the issue of corrupt officials. We can remove each and every one of these named perpetrators, remove every one in the current bureaucracy, even change the platform and type of our government. But if the behaviors, the nuances and the dysfunctional and distorted beliefs and ideals remain the same, then all those changes won’t mean anything. It’s just the same cycle all over again, with a new face plastered over the old one. SAME SHIT, DIFFERENT COLOR.
Change has to start somewhere. And if it isn’t apparent to the higher-ups, who somehow still continue to delude themselves into thinking that everything is peachy-keen, that everything is just fine and dandy, well let another concerned Filipino citizen add to that call. WAKE THE FUCK UP, IDIOTS!! Your shit has hit the fan and we all know its you guys. Everything’s over but the shouting. We’re all tired of the charade that all of you continue to put before us. We just want to go on with our lives, working hard to earn our keep, paying our dues without having to worry so much about our lives getting fucked over.
A very interesting observation, about the way people raised their fists during the singing of “Bayan Ko” during the Mass, from stuart-santiago:
…the singing of bayan ko, brought goose pimples. what a rare sight. the church-going middle-class with fists raised, many with great gusto, some self-consciously, and a few who just wouldn’t, or couldn’t, yet. oh, and one who flashed the L (laban) sign instead. never mind, they’ll get around to it, once they’re mad enough, and engaged enough, in the struggle for nation.
so is this a triumph for the communist left, that the raised fist has become the signal, too, of middle-class resistance? i think not. i think it’s mostly just the appeal of that palaban posture – it feels right (never mind that it’s left) and feels appropriate to the situation, as in dramatic and fraught with tension. ideologically, however, the middle-class is more rejectionist (RJ) than reaffirmative (RA) of joma sison, which is a great divide.
so how do we tell them apart, the true leftists from the bourgeois middle-class? i’m not sure about RJs, but certainly RAs raise left fists, burgis churchgoers raise the right.
A reflection, too, from filling in the blanks. And opposition to it from +livin’ lovin’ mania+ who says Lozada’s playing God, and Idiosyncratic Philosophy Leading to Infinity ; while are indifferent.
Then on the question of the President (who inspired a poem written by Chances in the Starlight) of whom The Write Stuff says the problem is her husband and kids. For all summers disease it’s a case of first things first: first the President, then the rest. But Spring Roll thinks all the right stuff are missing, thoughts echoed by Bong Austero who says this:
Let me get this clear: This administration is hopelessly corrupt beyond redemption and the sooner we get rid of these people, the better. But it’s not just these people. And removing this administration, and mainly by embarrassing and ridiculing it — which, also harms business and ourselves — should not be the only goal. A major reason why this administration is still in power is because most think that the people who are itching to replace this administration are doing so mainly for personal political gain. That may not be entirely true, but that’s the message people are getting. A taxi driver I talked to said it well: Better the thief that has been unmasked and has seemingly no pretensions of being moral than the people who claim to be imbued with stronger moral fiber.
But I have to ask: is he casting the net so wide, that it guarantees even the whales wriggle right on through? This extract from Brown SEO says it all:
This friend of mine which we shall name Tin and I had a heated debate on the capacity of the current government to govern its people that we began comparing the misgivings of one government to the other starting with the one deposed by the current regime.
Tin said: “Erap was tactless and other than being corrupt he was arrogantly corrupt. He was so arrogant that he even wags his corruption in front of his underlings. He wags his misdemeanors in front of his Military Generals… Imagine, he was supposed to attend a military parade to inspect the troops and he comes in a few hours because he was dead drunk the night before and he was complaining of a hang-over… they lost respect for Erap bringing him his own downfall. GMA inspite of her corruption she was well meaning to hide them under the table to keep them from the publics scrutinizing eyes… She was well bred enough to keep her slimy hands inside her pockets while Erap was not.”
To which I replied: “And so because GMA is able-bodied to keep her dead in her closet and she’s really good at that you would still permit her to stay in power? Don’t you think we should be more careful of her because of that? We never know perhaps one day it’s your family’s carcass inside that closet as well as our country’s well being.”
I understand her point well. As if saying that being able to hide ones own evil is a skill or a taste of genius, or to vehemently proclaim justice and yet get away with ones own farce is considered gifted in the realm of politics.
And this reflection, by bitchology 101, who is a nursing student:
it just made me wonder how the people in our government can tolerate hundreds or million dollar corruption when the people they are supposed to be serving couldn’t even manage to have a life decent enough. it made me contemplate again, having such kind of public officials, will there still be hope for this country? coz I’m starting to fear for my own future too.
my friends and i have been talking about that for some time now. Normal for soon to be graduates, i guess. we’re just thinking of the P70,ooo+ our parents spent solely for this sem, and the P15,000 they still have to provide for us when we review in summer. we were disillusioned by the belief that we can start working by the end of this year already(that is if we passed the board) and then we can start earning back all the money spent for our uber expensive education. but we were greatly disappointed upon learning that our monthly allowance today is even higher that the salary that we will be having as nurses. Add the fact that it’s so hard to look for a job these days, that is according to some our co-tams from the higher batches. so i guess it will really take time before i can be able to give back to my fam, and even much more time before i can finally work abroad. i still have a decade or at least half a decade to spend and to suffer here in Pinas. sigh.
it’s too bad that we’re still 2 years away from the 2010 elections. just like what’s been said in the news in chan7, there seems to be a “people power fatigue” coz more Pinoys are now apathetic of what’s happening. cant blame them. nakakasawa naman talaga. paulit-ulit lang, wala naman ding nangyayari. parang red bull si GMA eh, ang bumangga giba. punyeta. bleh.
oh well, what else can we do but go on with our lives right? and i guess pray, pray hard for a miracle. ganyan talaga ang buhay Pinoy. miserable but still nice in a lot of weird ways. 😉
Finally, here are today’s readings.
First, the Sunday homily of Fr. Manoling Francisco, S.J. He differentiates legal truth from the truth necessary to reach conclusions about an administration’s fitness to govern:
17 FEBRUARY 2008
Fr. Manoling Francisco, S.J.
On this Second Sunday of Lent, during which we are asked to reflect on the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ, I wish to touch on three themes that have to do with our moral transformation as a people: first, Ascertaining Credibility; second, Rediscovering our Humanity; and third, Witnessing to the Truth. In so doing, I hope to invite all of you to reflect more deeply on how we, as a nation, might respond to the present political crisis in which our identity and ethos, our convictions and integrity, in fact, who we are as a people, are at stake.I. ASCERTAINING CREDIBILITY
Jun, as Sen. Miriam Santiago has grilled you to ascertain your credibility (or was it to undermine your credibility?), allow me to raise some important questions to consider in the very process of discerning your credibility. Allow me to do so by drawing on my own counseling experience.
Very often, a young rape victim initially suppresses his or her awful and painful story, indeed wills to forget it, in the hope that by forgetting, he or she can pretend it never happened. But very often, too, there comes a point when concealing the truth becomes unbearable, and the desperate attempts to supposedly preserve life and sanity become increasingly untenable.
At this point the victim of abuse decides to seek help. But even after having taken this step, the victim, devastated and confused, will tell his or her story with much hesitation and trepidation. It should be easy to imagine why. In telling the truth, one risks casting shame on himself or herself, subjecting oneself to intense scrutiny and skepticism, and jeopardizing one’s safety and those of his or her loved ones, especially when one dares to go up against an older or more powerful person.
Similarly, it is easy to imagine why Jun would initially refuse to challenge the might of Malacanang. Who in his or her right mind would accuse Malacanang of crimes against our people and implicate the First Family in a sordid tale of greed and corruption, knowing that by doing so, one endangers one’s life and the lives of his or her loved ones? We are, after all, living in dangerous times, where the government has not hesitated to use everything in its power to keep itself in power, where it has yet to explain and solve the numerous cases of extra-judicial killings.
But Jun is in his right mind. His story rings true especially in the face of the perils that he has had to face. And by his courage, Jun has also shown that it is not only that he is in his right mind; his heart is also in the right place.
Hence, my personal verdict: Jun, I believe that you are a credible witness. And if hundreds have gathered here this morning, it is probably because they also believe in you. Mga kapatid, naniniwala ba kayo kay Jun Lozada? Naniniwala ba kayo sa kanyang testimonya? Kung gayon, palakpakan po natin ang Probinsyanong Intsik, si Mr. Jun Lozada.
Jun, we hope that by our presence here, you may find some consolation. Pope Benedict XVI writes that “con-solatio” or consolation means “being with the other in his or her solitude, so that it ceases to be solitude.” Jun, be assured that your solitude is no longer isolation as we profess our solidarity with you. Hindi ka nag-iisa. We are committed to stay the course and to do our best to protect you and your family and the truth you have proclaimed.
What makes Jun a credible witness to us?
I think Jun is credible not simply by virtue of his being an eyewitness to the unmitigated greed of some of our public officials. Perhaps more importantly, Jun is credible because he has witnessed to us what it means to be truly human.
Which leads me to my second theme: What does it mean to be human? How might we rediscover our humanity?
Allow me to quote Pope Benedict XVI, who in his latest encyclical, Spe Salvi, has written: “the capacity to accept suffering for the sake of goodness, truth and justice is an essential criterion of humanity, because if my own well-being and safety are ultimately more important than truth and justice, then the power of the stronger prevails, then violence and untruth reign supreme. Truth and justice must stand above my comfort and physical well-being, or else my life becomes a lie. . . For this … we need witnesses — martyrs …. We need them if we are to prefer goodness to comfort, even in the little choices we face each day.”
Our Holy Father concludes, “the capacity to suffer for the sake of the truth is the measure of humanity.”
Isn’t this the reason we emulate our martyrs: Jose Rizal, Gomburza, Evelio Javier, Macli-ing Dulag, Cesar Climaco and Ninoy Aquino? They have borne witness for us what it means to be truly human — to be able to suffer for the sake of others and for the sake of the truth.
I remember Cory recalling a conversation she had with Ninoy while they were in exile in Boston. Cory asked Ninoy what he thought might happen to him once he set foot in Manila. Ninoy said there were three possibilities: one, that he would be rearrested and detained once more in Fort Bonifacio; two, that he would be held under house arrest; and three, that he would be assassinated.
“Then why go home?” Cory asked.
To which Ninoy answered: “Because I cannot allow myself to die a senseless death, such as being run over by a taxi cab in New York. I have to go home and convince Ferdinand Marcos to set our people free.”
Witnessing to one’s deepest convictions, notwithstanding the consequences, is the measure of our humanity. Proclaiming the truth to others, whatever the cost, is the mark of authentic humanity.
Jun, we know you have feared for your life and continue to do so. But in transcending your fears for yourself and your family, you have reclaimed your humanity. And your courage and humility, despite harassment and calumniation by government forces, embolden us to retrieve and reclaim our humanity tarnished by our cowardice and complicity with sin in the world. You have inspired us to be true to ourselves and to submit to and serve the truth that transcends all of us.
This leads us to our third and last theme: witnessing to the truth. In his encyclical, Pacem in Terris, Pope John XXIII exhorts that it is the fundamental duty of the government to uphold the truth: “A political society is to be considered well-ordered, beneficial and in keeping with human dignity if it grounded on truth.” Moreover, the encyclical explains that unless a society is anchored on the truth, there can be no authentic justice, charity and freedom.
Every government is therefore obliged to serve the truth if it is to truly serve the people. Its moral credibility and authority over a people is based on the extent of its defense of and submission to the truth. Insofar as a government is remiss in upholding the truth, insofar as a government actively suppresses the truth, it loses its authority vested upon it by the people.
At this juncture, allow me to raise a delicate question: At what point does an administration lose its moral authority over its constituents?
First, a clear tipping point is the surfacing of hard evidence signifying undeniable complicity of certain government officials in corruption and injustice, evidence that can be substantiated in court.
Hence, during the Marcos Regime, the manipulation of Snap Election results as attested to by the tabulators who walked out of the PICC was clear evidence of the administration’s disregard for and manipulation of the collective will of the people in order to remain in power..
During the Erap Administration, the testimony of Clarissa Ocampo, claiming that Pres. Erap had falsified Equitable Bank documents by signing as Jose Velarde, was the smoking gun that triggered the rage of our people.
Allow me to respond to the same question by pursue an alternative track of argument: an administration loses it moral authority over its people when it fails in its fundamental duty to uphold the truth, when it is constituted by an ethos of falsehood. When a pattern of negligence in investigating the truth, suppressing the truth and harassing those who proclaim the truth is reasonably established, then a government, in principle, loses its right to rule over and represent the people.
Regarding negligence: Do the unresolved cases, such as the the failed automation of the national elections, the fertilizer scam, the extra-judicial killings, and the “Hello, Garci” scandal, constitute negligence on the part of the GMA Administartion to probe and ferret out the truth?
Regarding covering-up the truth: Does the abduction of Jun Lozada and the twisting and manipulation of his narrative by Malacanang’s minions constitute concealment of the truth? Was the padlocking of the office of Asst. Gov’t Counsel Gonzales who testified before the Senate regarding the North Rail project anomaly an instance of covering-up the truth?
Regarding the suppression of the truth: Does the issuance and implementation of E.O. 464, which prevents government officals from testifying in Senate hearings without Malacanang’s permission, constitute suppression of the truth? Was the prevention of AFP Chief of Staff Gen. Senga and six other officers from testifying before the Senate with regard the “Hello, Garci” scandal tantamount to a suppression of the truth? Was disallowing Brig. Gen. Quevedo, Lt. Col Capuyan and Lt. Col. Sumayo from appearing before the Lower House an instance of hindering the truth from surfacing?
And regarding harassment of those who proclaim the truth: Are the abduction of Jun Lozada and the decision to court-marshall Gen. Gudani and Col. Balutan for disregarding Malacanang’s order not to testify before the Senate examples of punishing those who come forth to tell the truth?
By conflating one’s responses to all these questions does one arrive not at hard evidence showing culpapility on the part of some government officials, but a ghestalt, an image which nonetheless demands our assessment and judgment. I invite all of you then to consider these two methods of evaluating and judging the moral credibility of any government, the moral credibility of our present government.
Allow me to end with a few words about an Ignatian virtue, familiaritas cum Deo. To become familiar with God involves the illumination of the intellect, coming to know who God is and what God wills. But it also involves the conversion of the affect, the reconfiguration of the heart. Becoming familiar with God entails trasforming and conforming my thinking, my feeling and my doing in accordance to the Lord’s, which can only be the work of grace.
Familiarity with God thus entail rejoicing in what God delights — the truth; abhoring what God detests — falsehood; being pained by what breaks the heart of God — the persecution of truth-seekers. Familiary with God means sharing the passion of God for the truth and the pathos of God whenever the truth and the bearers of truth are overcome by the forces of the lie.
On this Second Sunday of Lent, as we contemplate the transfiguration of Jesus Christ on Mount Horeb, we pray that our hearts and minds be so transfigured and so conformed to the mind, heart and will of the Jesus, our way, our life, and our truth.
May the Lord bless and protect you, Jun, and your family. May the Lord bless and guide us all into the way of truth. Amen.
Second, the statement issued by former members of the cabinet, etc. for other officials to come forward (for background, see Calls for Arroyo, Cabinet members to resign mount and Ex-Cabinet men ask Arroyo officials in telecoms deal to resign):
We are former government officials who have held high positions in the current and previous administrations. Having participated in the highest level of governance up close and personal, we now feel compelled to speak up for our demoralized public servants and arrest the decline of our institutions of governance. In the past, many of us kept quiet, going on about our daily chores, attending to business as usual.
However, over the last few days, we, together with the rest of the country, have seen one man — Jun Lozada — finally decide that he can no longer be part of the massive graft and corruption that permeates this government. His testimony exposed that the corruption in the project he dealt with — the NBN ZTE project — is standard in what he called “dysfunctional government procurement processes.”
Clearly, what Jun Lozada knew so terrified the powers-that-be that they unwittingly exposed what Jun called “the dark side of the state” — state-sponsored terrorism that had been rearing its ugly head in the various disappearances and extra-judicial killings in the past six years — and which almost took him as a victim in a botched kidnapping that the administration has been trying, with little success, to cover up.
In a sense, all Jun Lozada did was to confirm what we already know: Our country is sliding into moral decadence. He also confirmed the systematic destruction of our democratic institutions and the systemic nature of our problems. We have seen this in the wanton disregard of checks-and-balances; abuse of the powers of the President; the cooptation through patronage and outright bribery of the other branches of government; politically sponsored corruption, facilitated, not thwarted, by bureaucratic procedures; the naked use of power and authority through the PNP, PSG, NAIA, among others, to strangle the truth; and the deployment of cabinet, sub-cabinet officials, and the military to obstruct justice and cover up illegal orders and acts.
In the past, for too many times that we were confronted with threats to our democracy and to our moral values, our response was: “What can we do about it? What is our choice? Who will lead us?”
These questions persist but, today, we can no longer stay silent. We can no longer ignore the reality of a government gone wild, wreaking havoc on our rights and institutions in a climate of impunity. We can no longer console ourselves in the strength of the peso, narrowing deficits, and an expanding economy. Even these ephemeral gains have not translated into a better life for the majority of our people, especially the poor.
The future of our country is at stake. Our democratic institutions are under attack. What we stand to lose is the moral fabric of our society.
We call on all government officials — Cabinet Secretaries, Undersecretaries, Heads of Agencies — who know about these anomalous transactions to join the heroic stand of Jun Lozada to come forward and speak out. We call on all those who know about the extrajudicial killings and disappearances to go public and tell the truth. We call on all those who can no longer endure this wrongful governance, with its structures of evil and unmoderated greed: IT IS TIME TO CUT CLEAN! IT IS TIME TO GO! .
Tama na! Sobra na! Panahon na!
Signed by:
1. Florencio Abad (Former Secretary of Education)
2. Tomas Africa, (Former Administrator, National Statistics Office)
3. Rafael Alunan III (Former Secretary of Tourism)
4. Tomas Apacible (Former Commissioner of Customs)
5. Senen Bacani (Former Secretary of Agriculture)
6. Angelito Banayo (Former Secretary of Political Affairs)
7. Romeo Bernardo (Former Undersecretary of Finance)
8. Gerardo Bulatao (Former Undersecretary of Agrarian Reform)
9. Clifford Burkley (Former Undersecretary of Social Welfare and Development)
10. Ramon Cardenas (Former Head of the Presidential Management Staff)
11. Jose Cuisia (Former Governor of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas)
12. Sostenes Campillo (Former Undersecretary of Tourism)
13. Karina Constantino-David (Former Chairman of the Civil Service Commission)
14. Elfren Cruz (Former Head of the Presidential Management Staff)
15. Isagani Cruz (Former Undersecretary of Education)
16. Teresita Quintos Deles (Former Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process)
17. Benjamin Diokno (Former Secretary of Budget and Management)
18. Quintin Doromal Sr. (Former Commissioner, Presidential Commission on Good Governance)
19. Franklin Drilon (Former Executive Secretary)
20. Narcisa Escaler (Former Ambassador to the United Nations)
21. Jesus Estanislao (Former Secretary of Finance)
22. Fulgencio Factoran Jr. (Former Secretary of the Environment and Natural Resources)
23. Victoria Garchitorena (Former Head of the Presidential Management Staff)
24. Ernesto Garilao (Former Secretary of Agrarian Reform)
25. Peter Garrucho (Former Executive Secretary)
26. Jose Luis Gascon (Former Undersecretary of Education)
27. Marietta Goco (Former Chairman of the Presidential Commission to Fight Poverty)
28. Jose Antonio Gonzalez (Former Minister of Tourism)
29. Milwilda Guevarra (Former Undersecretary of Finance)
30. Cielito Habito (Former Secretary-General of the National Economic Development Authority)
31. Edilberto de Jesus Jr. (Former Secretary of Education)
32. Philip Ella Juico (Former Secretary of Agrarian Reform)
33. Antonio La Viña (Former Undersecretary of the Environment and Natural Resources)
34. Bienvenido Laguesma (Former Secretary of Labor and Employment)
35. Lina Laigo (Former Secretary of Social Welfare and Development)
36. Ernest Leung (Former Secretary of Finance)
37. Josefina Lichauco (Former Secretary of Transportation and Communications)
38. Narzalina Lim (Former Secretary of Tourism)
39. Juan Miguel Luz (Former Undersecretary of Education)
40. Felipe Medalla (Former Secretary-General of the National Economic Development Authority)
41. Jose Molano Jr. (Former Executive Director of the Commission on Filipinos Overseas)
42. Vitaliano Nañagas (Former Chairman of the Development Bank of the Philippines)
43. Imelda Nicolas (Former Lead Convenor of the National Anti-Poverty Commission)
44. Roberto de Ocampo (Former Secretary of Finance)
45. Oscar Orbos (Former Executive Secretary)
46. Ernesto Ordoñez (Former Secretary of Presidential Flagship Programs and Projects)
47. Victor Ordoñez (Former Undersecretary of Education)
48. Cayetano Paderanga (Former Secretary-General of the National Economic Development Authority)
49. Jose Pardo (Former Secretary of Trade and Industry)
50. Vicente Paterno (Former Minister of Trade and Industry)
51. Felicito Payumo (Former Chairman of the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority)
52. Pete Prado (Former Secretary of Transportation and Communication)
53. Cesar Purisima (Former Secretary of Finance)
54. Victor Ramos (Former Secretary of the Environment and Natural Resources)
55. Amina Rasul (Former Chairman of the National Youth Commission)
56. Alberto Romualdez Jr. (Former Secretary of Health)
57. Albert del Rosario (Former Ambassador to the United States of America)
58. Francisco del Rosario (Former Chairman of the Development Bank of the Philippines)
59. Ramon del Rosario (Former Secretary of Finance)
60. Melito Salazar (Former Member of the Monetary Board, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas)
61. Leticia Ramos-Shahani (Former Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs)
62. Cesar Sarino (Former Secretary of the Interior and Local Government)
63. Juan Santos (Former Secretary of Trade and Industry)
64. Corazon Juliano-Soliman (Former Secretary of Social Welfare and Development)
65. Hector Soliman (Former Undersecretary of Agrarian Reform)
66. Mario Taguiwalo (Former Undersecretary of Health)
67. Jaime Galvez Tan (Former Secretary of Health)
68. Wigberto Tañada (Former Commissioner of Customs)
69. Rene Villa (Former Secretary of Agrarian Reform)
70. Veronica Villavicencio (Former Lead Convenor of the National Anti-Poverty Commission)
71. Deogracias Vistan (Former President of the Land Bank of the Philippines)
And finally, the statement of the Catholic Educators Association of the Philippines, calling on member schools to engage their students in efforts to understand what’s going on:
Speaking Truth, Seeking Justice
Setting Things Right
CEAP on the Events of our Time
February 14, 2008“No lie can live forever,” said Carlyle. “Truth, crushed to earth, will rise again,” added William Cullen Bryant. And forty years ago, Martin Luther King cried:
On some positions,
Cowardice asks the question, “Is it safe?”
Expediency asks the question, “Is it politic?”
Vanity asks the question, “Is it popular?”
But Conscience asks the question, “Is it right?”There comes a time when one must take a position
that is neither safe nor politic nor popular;
but one must take it
because Conscience says, “It is right.”Following his conscience, Rodolfo Lozada Jr. these days has revealed possible corruption in the handling of government contracts. His confession has stirred memories of other allegations by other people of graft and greed in government, and is shaking the souls of many to speak and act in response.
What of us, the Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines (CEAP), an association of 1,252 schools, colleges, and universities with at least 2 million students and around 120,000 school personnel and faculty?
We too must speak, we too must act. For, as the same Martin Luther King continued, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent on things that matter.”
Silent then we must not be or must no longer be, if once we were. May not our lives end but rather begin in a special way this Valentine’s Day. Beyond the love we are expected to declare for the persons of our hearts, is the love for the people of our country that we are invited to express in this time of crisis in our land. Mere bystanders we cannot just be but active participants in the continuous task of shaping our nation’s life. In the words of Vaclav Havel, “By perceiving ourselves as part of the river, we take responsibility for the river as a whole.”
For those of us who know the truth, we pray for the courage to speak it. For those who seek justice, we pray for humility in the pursuit, personal integrity in the quest, respect for others involved in the search. For those of us who must judge and act on what we see and hear, we pray for fairness and the will to make the good triumph over evil in a way that removes the bad, without the act leading to what is even worse.
In tandem with the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) we invite our member schools and their constituents, our alumni and friends individually and communally to pray for guidance on what to do in these times of tension and difficulty. We ask our administrators, faculty, and students to bring to the fore the issues of the day, discuss in humility and decide in fortitude and love what we must do together as a people in the different parts of the country where we are.
We must seek to discover the educative moment and the lesson for life in the investigation sessions and in the rallies and other mass actions we may join. To our country and the world we must show and say that we will not allow dishonesty, corruption, indifference or neglect to rule our lives. We must look into ourselves and ensure that what we decry in others we do not do ourselves.
We should pledge to continue to teach and live truth, honesty and integrity in our own schools so that when our graduates leave us they bring with them not just skills and knowledge but wisdom and love to inspire and change the world.To this end, we link up with other groups sincerely searching for truth and justice. We encourage the establishment of truth centers in our schools so that our students, teachers, and staff are led to continuing awareness, reflection, and formation toward social-political engagement. We invite our members to support the sanctuary fund set up by the Association of Major Religious Superiors of the Philippines (AMRSP). We support the signature campaign demanding the implementation of the Supreme Court’s decision junking Executive Order 464 so that the search for truth is not hindered or compromised.
Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life we shall continue to ask to lead us, accompany and comfort us in all we need to do. It is He, after all, who will truly set us free. The Holy Spirit we ask to enlighten us so that our external actions flow from inner harmony of heart. We remember the words of Will Durant: “A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within.” So we ask our Heavenly Father for the grace that we never neglect but ever firm up the moral fiber of our souls.
Our anger at the wrong and sinful things in and around us may we not allow to make of ourselves men and women of violence. We take to heart the thought of Martin Luther King: “The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy. Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it. Through violence, you may murder the liar, but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth. Through violence you may murder the hater, but you do not murder hate. In fact, violence merely increases hate. So it goes. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”
May our light dispel our darkness, may our love melt whatever hatred may lurk within. But in this Kairos moment, this time of grace, we, the Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines, with all men and women of good will, in our nation and in the world, in the name of the Lord, by the grace of His Spirit, in concert and in communion call on ourselves and one another to — speak the truth, seek justice and work to set things right.
CEAP National Board of Directors
yeahhhh….which gave us Gloria and brought us to where we are now.
Who do you think will be delivered to the nation next? Where do you think we’ll end up again?
“…as i said i wasn’t talking about the legal aspect, but her public conscience. That advice would be ok if Fely Arroyo were a run-of-the-mill lawyer. Maybe she has turned into one.”
ang layo naman ng conclusion mo! even if prefixed with ‘maybe’
public conscience? you’re already assuming that Mrs Joker is as much in the know as Neri and Lozada when it comes to the NBN-ZTE deal.
Gloria is not indispensable, the earlier she realizes that the better
Like they always say…”Ang magnanakaw, galit sa kapwa magnanakaw!”
Halos lahat na korte sa Amerika, hindi tinatanggap ang evidensiya nang Popygraph Test to establish kuno nang guilt or innocence dahil ito ay hindi “Accurarely Reliable” at itong abogadong Amerikano nag suggest na dapat daw si Lozada i Lie Detector test nang Ombudsman. kong di puede sa Amerika, bakit irecomenda sa Bayan natin?
anthony scalia,
Lozada is just one of those people who decided to come out with the truth, hopefully many will follow suit.
I was once like you and Lozada, perhaps because of fear or pragmatism (or worst, selfishness) – I just leave. When confronted with corruption in the military, I just left, when confronted with anomalies in the private sector, I left the country – better than wasting my time fighting it, I’m sure to lose anyway. But then again, life has its twists and turns (as everyone of us sometimes learns)…sooner or later we are bound to stand up for what is right.
Neither religion nor radicalism can dictate our conscience, unfortunately technology has not come up with a machine that can look into a person’s heart and see what he’s really made of.
the era of the father damasos was a time when church and state were one, when the king enjoyed the patronato real and nominated bishops, and emperors had a veto power over the election of popes. when the church tried people for heresy and handed them over to the state for punishment. it was a time when the chuch demanded uncritical obedience. this was a time when the official who supervised local election in the philippines was the friar who was also usually the only representative of spanish sovereignty in the locality.
that era is gone and not even the most reactionary catholic proposes its return, not least because the catholic church itself has renounced such things.
we have the separation of church and state but it is a clear separation in terms of not having a state religion and a prohibition on the state promoting one faith to the exclusion of others. we do not prohibit people from manifesting their faith in the political sphere. recall that in our first presidential election one of the three leading candidates was the obispo maximo of the philippine independent church, aglipay.
for that reason it’s perfectly acceptable for the church to move, politically, against the death penalty and much as i disagree with it, to assert its views on population. the church does not threaten people with excommunication for following their conscience and disobeying the church on such matters, as in rizal’s time. the bishops here are even more tolerant than say, the usa, where bishops have advocated denying communion to catholic politicians who support abortion (perhaps a moot point here as our constitution forbids abortion).
therefore a community ought to come together and arrive at a consensus concerning great issues of the day. they do so according to their values. kiwanis will do so in a manner different from rotarians and thomasians will do so in a way different from ateneans and upeans. but it’s incumbent on them, as a community, to do so. the ibp does it, there is no reason why alumni associations shouldn’t, and university faculty and administration should do it, too, since they are preparing young people for life in the real world, where they will be confronted by such issues.
now i’d agree it may not matter to a non-thomasian or someone without sentimental ties to the dominicans or ust. but for those who do, it matters. it is significant. the political sphere is about constituencies that operate according to shared values.
I am wondering wether the hero worshippers of Lozada really trusted him that much. If he run for president will they vote for him instead of villar, roxas, gordon? Lozada for president, anyone?
rego, think.
Build a a solid case against the president and believe me there will be outpouring of indignations and protest in no time. At this point in time, they have only innuendoes with no proof. There is more drama than facts-Alonsagabi
how would you read the disappearance of JocJoc Volante over the fertilizer scam. We would like to konw the truth about it, the president should take the lead in bringing out the truth but what did she do. How would you read the disappearance, albiet temporarily, of Virgilio Garcillano during the height of the Garci tape issue.What was the answer of the president when this was about to be investigated-she could not comment further than the i’m sorry speech to avaoid self incriminating statement. what can you say about the 500k given to each congressmen/governnors and now the ZTE deal. If the contract was done above board as claimed by cabinet officials, why then did she cancel the contract. The liability of the president lies so much in her efforts to cover-up the truth on legitimate issues concerning government transactions and dealings.
How i wish i am a prolific writer like Rina Jimenez david because in her column today she expressed exactly what i wanted to say about putting hard evidence or building a solid case against the president.
@ the pictures
well, there’s no harm in trying.. even if it fails..
why don’t they commit on building their evidence.. they have the estimates and the bids don’t they?!
Separation of church and state is not just about designating a state religion. It goes farther than that. It’s also about NOT interfering in each other’s affairs.
Denying communion is public censure in itself but I don’t disagree with what the Church did after all, the Church has never changed its stand on abortion. It was the timing that was off. The timing made their statement a political statement AND an implied endorsement of the Republican candidate.
Churches meddle, let’s not be blind to that. The effect of that meddling is undue influence…let’s not be blind to that too.
If the price we have to pay for that is for most Filipino Catholics to lose their power of independent thought then I do have a problem with that.
If the tables were turned and these religious organizations were supporting the administration, wouldn’t you say it was foul and condemn the evil influence Macapagal and her family, living and dead, has/had on that particular organization?
“Lozada is just one of those people who decided to come out with the truth, hopefully many will follow suit”
“I was once like you and Lozada perhaps because of fear or pragmatism (or worst, selfishness) – I just leave. When confronted with corruption in the military, I just left, when confronted with anomalies in the private sector, I left the country – better than wasting my time fighting it, I’m sure to lose anyway. But then again, life has its twists and turns (as everyone of us sometimes learns)…sooner or later we are bound to stand up for what is right.”
i don’t blame you for doing what you did. its your choice
“…unfortunately technology has not come up with a machine that can look into a person’s heart and see what he’s really made of”
which should tell you to put up your discerning radar whenever you listen to Lozada!
And to further add to MLQ comments about the Church hierarchy “rights” to let their stand known in Political Matters or Issues, and has nothing to do with the constitutional provision of the Separation of Church and State, which meant that the Church can not and would not be allowed to function as the the Executive, the Legislator and the Judicial branch of the Government and the Government can not dictate the functions of the Church, unless of course it against the law of the land.
To further illustrate, when PM Paul Martin was proposing to enact into Family Law the legality of same-sex marriage, which the courts in many cases brought before them declared in violation the Equality Provision of the Charter (the old law states:”that marriage is the union of Man and Woman at the exclusion of all others” his very own church let its stand known and threatened the PM with excomnunication, yet the Church had been ignored as Rule of Law is the guiding principles, not the Church..
And if some legal minds here wondering why the ruling of lower courts were enough to prod the Parliament to enact the same-sex marriage law, that question been asked by the Parliament before it proceed to debate the proposal, and the SC answered that so many same-sex couples already went ahead and got wed based on the Lower Courts Rulings, let the ruling stands.
mita. but they are. the iglesia supports the president, to give just one example. the catholic hierarchy is divided on the president, and so, suffers from paralysis through analysis.
but personally think this is healthy, in that it has diminished the bishops as a political force. people who disagree with the bishops’ timidity or overprudent attitude have taken things into their own hands.
please review manoling francisco’s homily. it is not an order. it is a suggestion, coming from the religious and philosophical tradition he’s grounded in. no different from the way another citizen might approach it from the traditions that resonate with them. he refers to st. ignatius and for example i’d refer, as i did in my last entry, to more secular thinkers. the end result is the same: what to do?
you will see he is careful to distinguish what is the province of the law, but also, to distinguish what is the province of the things he is qualified (and the citizenry, too) to render judgment on; and invites others to do the same. it is something, incidentally, people who are not practicing christians can appreciate, too.
these are not actions by institutions expecting people to act blindly or to disobey their consciences or abandon their critical faculties. the opposite, actually. they are invitations to appreciating the need to think critically and judge for one’s self.
Anthony (at 11:05am), i do not have to assume that she knows as much as Lozada. It is clear from both Monsod and Lozada’s account that Fely Arroyo advised the latter against testifying.
@ the church’s and la salle’s move against GMA
personal/individual conviction should be the basis of your fight against corruption not the imposition by an institution or the church.
it would be unfair to those who belong to the same institution yet does not share the same opinion as you do.
Liam, are you also a priest?
incidentally, please refer to the section where i tackle the various writings floating around by lozada. consider, too, the jumbled chart neri is said to have scribbled.
we can’t delve into a person’s heart but we can delve into a person’s mind, particularly when they put things down in writing, without subjecting themselves to the parameters established by lawyers pro and con.
i think mita was on to something in a previous comment when she remarked that neri and lozada seem to be continuing to talk to each other via their public statements. i’m not convinced they’ve hatched an elaborate plot but i do think we should all take time to read what lozada wrote, because you might be surprised (pleasantly or unpleasantly as the case may be) by his analysis not only of the state of our society, but what needs to be done. his ideas are rather radical. i think it’s safe to say that they were influenced by neri’s, too.
Sometimes we get our citizenships confused. The goal of participation of the church is to permeate and illuminate all aspects of the temporal order. It is a serious error to believe that the faith should be kept out of the public square, out of voting booths, out of schools, and out of courtrooms. We have dual citizenship, but not dual personalities. We can’t hide our faith as though we’re in some sort of witness protection program. We can’t separate our religious convictions from our activity in this world. The church has what we may call “citizenship status” whether we like it or not, and this regardless of denominational affiliation, and will express political views within the realm of legitimacy and its social doctrine.
thanks sir. so they brought it inside last night. 🙂
Lozada is not a hero in my book but just a man who got trapped into a corner and forced to decide.
On the other hand, he could have had a well-provided life, no paper trail, with all the cold cash he can have (no need to liquidate) and on the other – be hounded by libel suits by powerful people with all the affidavits they can muster. The support of the church? Honestly, I have never felt secure in one. My idea of secure location is an undisclosed island somewhere, with lots of pinacoladas and hard bodied swim suit competition level unignorant women traipsing along the sand. I say “unignorant” because these types normally just “ignore me.”
I most certainly will not vote for him for president, we deserve someone better, one that has not been tainted with corruption, patronage politics, and who will turn his back on compromise no matter how financially rewarding or expedient. The downfall of most leaders is that in their quest for achievement or even genuine concern for their people, they sell their souls to the devil.
Will we ever find one in this broken society of ours? It reminds me of one comment made 2000 years ago – nothing good comes out of Nazareth!
These are all the controversies that has been dogging her presidency. I read and think about them as mere allegations and not fully substantiated. I believe the senate has look at this issues over and over again and spent many hours investigating them. Didnt they?? Did they come up with something?? Have they legislated laws to prevent this from happening? Did they find convincing evidence that the president has done something illegal? Go tell me. Do our senators really looking for the truth? How come the cant come on any definite conclusions. Do you think people will just go to the streets and demand her head because of these unfounded accusations? I dont think so. We are all seeking good governance here….but I will not hastily convict a person based on claims which did not pass rigorous legal proceedings.
Re the jumbled chart Neri is supposed to have scribble – its a topic we have been tossing around in this blog for the longest time. It didn’t need Neri’s scholastic achievements, some people are more discerning than others, unfortunately, its something most try to ignore as its true, they who hold the purse strings rule.
I’m hoping we’ll finally get a president who’ll say THE PHILIPPINES IS NOT FOR SALE! or THE PHILIPPINES IS NON-NEGOTIABLE!
And I don’t see anything wrong with the Church and the State co-operating with each other. With such co-operation, 600 thousands of Catholic students out of 2 millions total students enjoying the same Publicly funded pre-university education. And the Church do not object the teaching of Sex-Education in their school as they have to follow the Public school curriculum.
ooh, what’s this? the nerds want to be kingmakers now? not likely, more likely than not, they’re (Lozada and Neri) maneuvering to for the best possible exit from this situation.
if it just doesn’t look so obvious that they’re milking the situation… i would say this is pretty effective, albeit pretty awkward, attempt at brinksmanship.
why then are you saying that she has become a run-of-the-mill lawyer (maybe)? just because she didnt follow her public conscience? she knows next to nothing about the NBN-ZTE deal, so she can’t give any advice, other than saying what Lozada wants to hear!
there it goes again – ‘advised…against testifying’
please be specific – Mrs Joker’s ‘advice against testifying’ is not the same ‘advice against testifying’ given by Atienza
please do not ignore the context!
can’t you get the nuance? ‘you don’t have to IF you don’t to’ is a lot different from ‘don’t testify’
Mrs Joker told Lozada ‘you don’t have to IF you don’t want to’ not ‘don’t testify’
Was Mrs Joker ever mentioned by Lozada outside the ‘interview time’ of Joker?
“Rigorous legal proceedings?” Have you ever been to one in the Philippines? Its like asking for honest elections. I advise you to go sit in in any proceeding, try the hearings of Querubin, Lim, et al.
“can’t you get the nuance? ‘you don’t have to IF you don’t to’ is a lot different from ‘don’t testify’” – anthony scalia
Its a lot different from DO WHAT YOU BELIEVE IS RIGHT, being a staunch believer in human rights, I’ll be with you all the way…
from Joho Robles of MST
The messageâ€â€especially to the major business groups who refuse to rally to the flag being waved by Lozada and his holier-than-thou handlersâ€â€is as terrifying as it is simple: The dubious truth-seekers and discredited moral revolutionaries will not hesitate to burn down the house if they don’t get the political power that they want.
“crusades†mounted by politicians and other pressure groups like the adventurist segments of the Church and the military, guessing correctly that most of these campaigns are thinly disguised efforts to get themselves or their favored ones yet another shot at political dominance. The self-serving and comical call of that disgraced congressman from Pangasinan, Jose de Venecia, for a “moral revolution†is a perfect example.
I sensed the same….Neri talking to Lozada in public and vice versa….I just don’t know if they’re playing this deliberate game of playing kingmaker…
Thanks Ramrod (at 12:26pm), that’s what i was trying to say. Monsod builds her friend up (“credibility and integrity I do not question“) in one paragraph only to inadvertently reveal what’s she’s really made of. Maybe Mr. and Mrs. Joker Arroyo used up all their heroism during the Marcos years.
If I had not known one of Gloria’s former cabinet men JB Santos, I would have listened to Robles (and you). But then again, who are you? Just another faceless, anonymous mouse of a man. Or woman?
As Neri had said, our government is an Oligarchy (government ruled by the rich) as such our nation suffers. I take it one step beyond that description. We are in fact (as I coined the definition), an Oligarchic Syndicracy, government run by the rich and the criminal syndicates.
How short the memories of some people here are, from the Garci Scandal up to the Lozada expose, Gloria’s henchmen and allies simply would not stop. They have lost their moral bearings and look at the coffers or our nation as an unprotected bank ripe for pillage.
To enable her and associates to last longer than they should have they instituted and maintained; Cover-ups E.O.s, lies, Black ops goons, Wiretap technicians, an insane head of the Department of Injustice, Tongressmen leashed and fed by Pork, appointed COMELEC stooges, Generals from the PNP and AFP wrapped around her little fingers, crooked lawyers, big business partners-in-crime, hacks and supporters with no moral backbone; all with the common denominator… a promise of money, protection, power, and security. A mafia style governance indeed.
We are worse than an Oligarchy, we are an Oligarchic Sydicracy.
fyi here’s the ad published by ust:
But above all the ultimate question should be “Will the church continue its campaign of Morality and would go to the ends of the country to gain support against the current government?â€Â
By the way thanks for the quote Sir Manolo ^_^
How can the senate come up with a workable solution and complete conclusion when its efforts to do so is blocked by eo 464
Kabayan, i think the Lozada and Neri (both technocrats btw) share the belief in the evils of the Oligarchy (i.e. what you term as the Oligarchic syndicracy). Where they disagree is on how to deal with it. Neri still chooses to work within the system and is thereby coopted while Lozada was forced to opt out because of a bungled kidnapping. Beyond the issue of Gloria Arroyo, the next step would be to spring clean these oligarchs and prevent the emergence of new ones. This task is overdue.
Its a pity they also cannibalize the so called “intelligence funds” – do you know that the ISAFP guys has to stop recording to download what they wire tapped or eavesdrop, every now and then (more now than then) because their equipment lacks the memory capacity? Its comical really.
Oligargic Syndicracy – that is a nice insight.
Earlier mql3 said “the political sphere is about constituencies that operate according to shared values.”. The “Oligarchic Syndicracy” is guided by their own
version of shared “values”. I guess the fight is all about having the right values being shared at the helm. Its a much tougher fight than just replacing people and names.
Speaking of oligarchs, since the name of Enrique Razon was dropped by Lozada, it is worth looking into how Razon got to buy transco. Transco is being sold to Razon for ____ pesos but will issue bonds as payments. meaning, ibibigay ka razon ang transco and from the income of transco he will try to make good on the bonds. ang utak ano parang ginisa sa sariling mantika mga pilipino
Be careful, the use of Oligarchic Syndicracy may well be used to label you (and us) as communists. Come to think of it, I was really into this red scare for the most part of my adult life – but when I saw China up close…it made me think, was the red scare real? or was it another form of indoctrination?
That is true, they have “shared values”, a sub-culture if you may, wherein what is considered immoral in the larger Philippine society is simply normal and acceptable to them.
This “shared values” are maintained through a certain code of conduct which is also enforced by their own kind. As such, they have a Justice Department which upholds their kind of justice, top officers in the Police and Military who protect and implement their interpretation of the law, and the sea of legislators who implement their own version of lawmaking and decision making… ad nauseoum . Thus in reality, they are a society, a government, a “subculture” of their own distinct from what is the norm in society.
you might be surprised (pleasantly or unpleasantly as the case may be) by (lozada’s) analysis not only of the state of our society, but what needs to be done. his ideas are rather radical. i think it’s safe to say that they were influenced by neri’s, too. – mlq3
I getting the same reading, manolo, sort of the revolt of the bureaucrats – the silent insiders who know it all… the rotten eggs inside out the stench of which has been suffocating them for eons (the probinsyanong intsiks, a good clue) – against the taipans, the oligarchs, the inner circles of power). We could add this to our lexicon, the “bureaucrat power.”
The issue regarding Fely Arroyo(Mrs. Joker Arroyo) and Lozada is all about delicadeza.
Most likely, Tony Abaya called her up first to make an appointment just to make sure she’s around when they arrived and most likely, Fely Arroyo naturally will ask Tony Abaya why they want an appointment. So, Tony Abaya will tell her about the reason (ZTE-NBN and legal advise regarding Lozada’s appearance before the Senate Blue Ribbon Committee). Right there and then Fely Arroyo should have declined the meeting being sought by Abaya and Lozada out of delicadeza mainly because her husband is a senator (member and used to be the chairman of the Blue Ribbon Committee), that even if she wants to be of help to Lozada she will be seen as compromising the institution her husband represents.
Ang dami-dami namang abogado diyan, maliban na lamang kung may iba pa silang sadya.
“Its a lot different from DO WHAT YOU BELIEVE IS RIGHT, being a staunch believer in human rights, I’ll be with you all the way”
haay naku. isa pang sablay na obserbasyon.
“Maybe Mr. and Mrs. Joker Arroyo used up all their heroism during the Marcos years”
you will really believe what you want to believe, right cvj? your mind is made up on Mr and Mrs Joker, so you don’t want to be confused with the facts
I made a blog article in my new blogsite at regarding the Red scare or what is accurately known as McCarthyism.
Currently this administration want to mix the Communists and the “Destabilizers” label into one bundle so that they can crackdown on both in one fell swoop. A variant of this was done by Marcos when Martial Law was implemented in 1972. During that time supposed Communists and Leftists along with Centrists and even Rightists all jailed irregardless of political or ideological beliefs. They need this kind of “Labeling” to ease their conscience when they persecute people.
Ramrod, i agree that the tendency would be to label people who point to the evils of the Oligarchy as ‘communist’ which, of course is not true since the Philippine Oligarchy as the source of our problems is a view that is shared across the political spectrum. For example, from the right, FVR and Almonte have made the same observation.