Cool link of the day is Mummy News Home Page, which is a frequently-updated digest of all the latest news on mummies the world over. From that site, this article, Kommersant – New Russia’s First Independent Newspaper, which deals with a Russian case in which cadavers and bits of cadavers were sold to a German company without the knowledge of the family members of the deceased.
And in OhmyNews International, an interesting article on the dilemma of what to do with the corpses, or bits of corpses, of the famous dead. The article cites the following American Medical Association (AMA) journal article, AMNews: June 28, 2004. Uncloaking history: The ethics of digging up the past … American Medical News, which should be interesting to fans of CSI.
Incidentally, I am against cremation on historical grounds.
This link: sends you to an academic paper on the treatment of famous corpses in former communist countries, or in communist countries when leaders are replaced and want to purge the memory of their predecessors.