The Clay-Worker

The Clay-worker, by National Brick Manufacturers’ Association of the United States of America, October, 1913,  p. 537. in Vol. 59-50


Manuel Quezon, the resident commissioner from the Philippines, is responsible for the following story:

“One day in the city of Moscow I was attracted to a little child who was crying bitterly on one of the principal streets. His sobs soon brought a large crowd around him. He was a miserable looking little wretch, and his howls were loud and terrifying. An elderly woman stepped from the crowd, and, placing an arm around the boy, asked sympathetically:

“What is the matter, my child? Are you lost?”

“The child sobbed on for a moment and them paused. He looked all around at the large audience he had assembled.

“Then, lifting up his voice, he shouted loudly:

“‘Yes, ma’am, I’m lost. Will somebody take me home to van Troubetskoy, the champion clothier of the South End, who has just got in his new stock of spring overcoats, suits. neckties, shirts, hats and umbrellas, which he will sell cheaper than any one else in the city?'”

The Clay-Worker
Author: The Clay-Worker

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